On Friday the 12th of May a group of 6 Aquackers traveled to Rotterdam. Not to go to the zoo, but to win the Dutch Student Championship Team Racing (NSK Teamzeilen). Many hours of sun and a medium strong wind were forecasted. That's a promising prospect!
RSZV organised a small match racing tournament without obligation for the early-birds. Rodin, Miguel and Madeleine participated with a J22. The rest of our team (Jelle, Kees and Fieke) joined us in the evening for a drink. At a certain moment dark clouds came into our direction and a big wind gust picked up the party tent and flipped it upside down. No one got injured, I believe... We also met a lot of students from other associations, which was nice. Since we participated in the Silverfleet and not in the Goldfleet, we attended the theory and practical clinic and learned a lot about rules and tactics. Now it was time to sail some matches and beat the rest. Although some of us had not much sailing experience, it didn't matter because others compensated. We got beautiful Ynglings to sail on. They were not only beautiful but also fast! In between the races we had to switch boats by going aboard the RIB. With their big outboard engines they went a lot faster than our Ynglings. We were jumping on the water. For the whole weekend RSZV arranged surprisingly gooood fooood. We still want the wrap recipe. During the evening we showed our party skills. The pitchers Delirium beer were good for hydration. On Sunday we sailed more races and shouted 'Protest!' many times. We got second place, which means a silver medal in the Silverfleet. Then the next race started: packing our stuff and leaving Rotterdam before the Feijenoord soccer match had ended. It was a great success!