The Commocie organises the two intro periods and the activities during the AID. Apart from that the Commocie also looks after internal and external promotion such as merchandise, stickers, posters and flyers.
During our introperiod the soon-to-be-members come to our association to get a feel for what our association is like. Over a two-week period every Tuesday and Thursday night there are activities to get to know our association and our members. These activities might include a Diner Rouler, a Walcie activity, a theorylesson, (get-to-know-you) speeddating, a BBQ etc. Which of these activities are included in the upcoming introperiod is decided by the Commocie based on what they think is best suited for that specific period.
As previously mentioned the Commocie also organises the merchandise. For instance every year a clothing article is sold with the Aqua logo on it, such as hoodies, sweat pants, T-shirts and sunglasses. Also the Commocie maintains contact with shops and organisations that give a discount on sailing clothes for Aqua.
Would you like to help recruit new members for our association, design new posters/flyers or thinking of new merchandise? Then the Commocie is the committee for you! You don't necessarily need to be interested in all aspects of the committee since they are usually subdivided within the committee.
If you want to contact the Commocie you can send and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.