Nestor Trophy - Team zeilen

Nestor Trophy - Team zeilen

Our sister association in Nijmegen (Loefbijter) is organising a racing day. More info will be announced later. Ask the board if you want to know details. It's probably going to be on Valken at the Kraaijenbergse plas. The format will be Team racing and a team will likely consist of 6 persons. It's expected that mostly teams with little team racing experience are going to register and therefor make this a great event to get your first experience with racing in a team format. You are not required to have an Aqua skipper on board. Make sure to have at least 1 person who knows how to sail and has knowlegde about the rules. Participation fee is going to be 35-40 euro probably. As always you can get a discount from Thymos. Check the link on the bottom of this page: Zeilwedstrijden - WSZV Aqua. There you can also find a link to a Team sailing file that can be of help.

Don't forget your watch!

Event Properties

Event Date 05-04-2025 9:30 am
Event End Date 05-04-2025 5:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 2
Individual Price Free

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